4-3 Under Flipped – Any Play
Playbook: Any 43 Playbook
1. Base Align
2. Shift DL Left
3. Crash DL Down
4. Bluff Blitz LOLB
**Back the MLB up 2 yards and over the DT1, hold L2 until snap**
4-3 Under is on FIRE this year!! First we brought you 4-3 normal, now we are bringing you the flipped version that works just as good if not better and is a great compliment to the original. The normal version of 4-3 under is weak against runs to the left, but the flipped version is strong against left side runs! Plus we are only sending 4 rushers in the flipped version so you have better coverage! 4-3 under and 4-3 under flipped create an extremely confusing front for your opponent and gives you the ability to bring pressure from both sides of the field.